Thursday 24 January 2013

Font - Decisions and difficulties

Font 1
Today we were dedicating our time to looking over the fonts as we noticed a flaw in our typography, this being the boldness of the writing, which caused the letters to merge together resulting in an unprofessional outcome with a sloppy appearance. As you can see from the image below the scale of the writing is fluctuating and the letters are starting to conjoin resulting in the reading difficulty to increase.

Because of this flaw we opted for the original design which was thin and gives a smart appearance, representing the proffesionism of a spy. However, we decided that red wasn't the right colour for our title sequence because looking at it again it replicates a beano comic which creates false assumptions about the films contents. We wanted to keep the font simple and go back to a white font as this is more appropriate for our film and we don't have to deal with the mixed connotations of the red which could create confusion for our audience.
Font 2
This is the white font, which looks really appealing and easy on the eyes. As white is a bright colour we are hoping that it will be able to show up on the darker background of our sequence however, we can't make this our final font for definite as we have removed the green screen scenes meaning there is a decrease in black backgrounds therefore  the font might not be clear enough. I like the white font because I think it resembles the white shirt under a black tuxedo which ties into the narrative as Teddy becomes a successful spy.This also fits into the theme of secret identity as a black tuxedo is key iconography for any spy or action film. White also connotes innocence which represents the character of Teddy as he is becoming a spy to do good in the world.

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