Thursday 6 December 2012


This is our idea story boarded we wanted our title sequence to look mysterious therefore we planned to not reveal our protagonists face to ensure his status as a spy is known to the audience. However, as our film is mainly targeted at young children we needed to still provided entertainment to keep them engaged, to ensure this was successful we added humor into our sequence such as the bird poo falling onto our actor which we hope will have a comedic effect on our audience.

we managed to combine all our ideas into one sophisticated and well planned idea which would work successful to convey the narrative and characters personalities to the audience whilst creating enigmas  one being who is the protagonist.

Just like our brainstorm we wanted to include essential iconography to show the plot development  genre and themes thus we included a brief case for example as it is a convention of the spy genre. We made sure to show our narrative in the title sequence however this is not yet obvious to the audience as we didn't make it completely identifiable.

After story boarding we then knew which locations we wanted to film at, thus the outcome of storyboarding was a better understanding of our title sequence and the development of it all. 

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