Thursday 22 November 2012

Journal 5/11/12 Genre


How are we able to tell that 'the game' is a thriller? 

Setting: Big house, 1960's-1970's, country, set at a birthday party.

Themes: Love, psychological, loneliness, family, father figure, friendship, identity,childhood, and age

- Shattering jigsaw relates to title the game. Jigsaw look mysterious and could represent n unclear personality or something unexpected happening like the breaking of normality.
- Orange creeping over images could resemble fire
- Old film reel shows looking back and gives an impression of character being nostalgic. Hints character regrets something in the past
- Breaks out of the past by splashing water on face, still affecting character and gives a sense of passed time

Narrative: A man possibly suffering from a psychological illness wanting to discover who he is or change his life resulting in him playing a game which will test him in his life. However, the game has consequences on the mind and he starts to question his sanity and actions.

- Boy in black(connotes evil) pushing child into pool suggests he is sinister.
- Child in white(connotes innocence) possible victim? 
- Child being left alone, father merging into darkness gives a sense of isolation. Creates enigma why is he being left alone? 

Key indicators of genre:
- Dark lighting
- jigsaw puzzle (psychological thriller)
- Child being left
- Colours (mainly black and white)
- Orange on the film reel 
- Pushing child in pool 
- splashing water over face
- Linked events birthday then and birthday now

Our films genre - action/comedy/spy
Indicators and codes and conventions of genre
- hero
- explosions
- prize
- black tuxedo
- advanced technology
- computers
- high tech weapons
- villain
- fast cars
- a watch
- running
- idiotic moments from hero
- jokes in dialogue
- woman with sex appeal
- gadgets
- instructor/boss
- a crime
- guns
- a city location
- shocked public
- ID badges
- money
- briefcase
- hidden spy facility
- high budget place such as a hotel
- a happy ending

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